
Inter-relationship between Christianity and Kisoga cultural beliefs

Inter-relationship between Christianity and Kisoga cultural beliefs

The Diocese of Jinja set up Cultural Research Centre, with the purpose of researching, documenting and studying cultural elements that can be employed

as a foundation for preaching the gospel and entrenching the people of Busoga into their faith. In a way, to form Christians who are truly Basoga and truly Christian. The process is referred to in the Catholic Church as ‘INCULTURATION’. Consequently, in fulfilment of this mandate, Cultural Research Centre conducted a research on the inter-relationship between Christianity and traditional cultural beliefs. While far from establishing that Kisoga Cultural belief practices are the same as Christian, the objective is to show that not whatever is cultural, is necessarily devilish. There is a common tendency of labelling culture as satanic which is erroneous.  The similarities contained in this publication, are intended to augment the faith of Christian believers as well as to help them refine their cultural religious beliefs basing on the Christian teaching. A good and upright Musoga should necessarily be a good and virtuous Christian. The findings of the research were published in a book entitled “Where Kisoga Culture Meets Christianity.” This contributes to the promotion of harmonious living in society, which in turn enhances socio-economic development.


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